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  ICON Kmc power capacitor
  Product Description

è Features

> dry type design

 Dielectric design with dry type, no liquid leakageenvironmental friendly.

 low energy consumption  

Dielectric consumption: 0.2W/kvar,  reduce the temperature rise, save the operating costs.

>self-healing function

The metal electrodes will evaporate at once to separate the fault, when the dielectric of the capacitor break down, to make sure the normal continuous working of the capacitor.

built- in RD

Reduce the condenser voltage to 50V within one minute to make sure personnel safety.

strong over load capacity:

Over voltage tolerance: max. 10%, interrupted. 

 Over current tolerance: continuously 30%

Max Overload: 135% effective rated voltage

 Standards: IEC60831


è Applications 


 Energy saving solutions based on the PFC

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reactive compensation module
PF controller
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